Best 5 Android Apps For Your Phone & Tablet In 2017 - THE HOME OF TECHNOLOGY




Sunday, April 30, 2017

Best 5 Android Apps For Your Phone & Tablet In 2017

Appsolutely Fabulous, Darling! These are some of the best Android apps and games around right now

This list isn’t about the apps that everyman and his dog has – the Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Spotify and WhatsApp-type apps of the world. No, this one’s focused on the apps that might have slipped under your radar; the lesser known but equally useful applications available inside Google Play. Basically apps that make your Android handset all the more useful in everyday scenarios. 

As more and more applications are added to Google Play it becomes increasingly hard to whittle out the wheat from the chaff. Flappy Bird springs to mind here: it came, it exploded and now, two weeks later, no one really cares – aside from all the developers attempting to cash in on the trend with similarly named titles and games. Iron Pants, anybody? J

There are currently around 1.6 MILLION applications inside Google Play. Deciding which app to download is often a case of opening Play and checking the Top 5 charts, and that’s great for the most part – but you do miss a lot of good stuff. And that’s why we decided to put this list together. Oh, and we’ll be adding new apps to this list every week. Yes, it’s a grower.

Nonstop Chuck Norris (free)

If you’ve never heard about “Chuck Norris Facts” stop reading this and go Google the term right now. Got that done? Good–now you understand how tongue-in-cheek this game is. So go download it now…unless you want Chuck Norris to come after you.

WolframAlpha (£2.35)

WolframAlpha is kinda like a Google for geeks. The software was designed by Stephen Wolfram over a period of 25 years and allows you to get in-depth information about almost any topic. “How many people graduated from college in Hawaii in the 1990s?” WolframAlpha can tell you. “How many solar eclipses appeared in the 1500’s?” WolframAlpha knows. It’s a fascinating app for anyone interested in data and algorithms. It’s also an app that is used to partly power iOS’s Siri.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy TTG (£4.69)

The latest game from the gaming powerhouse Telltale, this time they tackle the Marvel Universe. The game sees you on a galactic adventure with the Guardians of the Galaxy as they seek an ancient cosmos relic. As with most Telltale games, the gameplay is told in episodic content. This is the first of five “episodes”.

Dark Echo (£1.49)

Dark Echo is one of the greatest puzzle games to come out in years. The game’s description explains this unique experience best: “Trapped in darkness, you must use visualized sound to guide your way through threatening environments. The sounds you create will bounce off obstacles, revealing the shape of the surrounding world. It won't be long before your only way of sensing the world attracts a terrifying evil that devours both sound and souls.” Just beware of those red lines…

DROP NOT! (free)
This fun arcade puzzler has beautiful art direction and an addictive gameplay with simple tap controls. Over 20 levels and just as many unlockable characters will keep you entertained for hours.It’s also got a great original score and the visuals never get old as they cycle through 4 unique graphical themes: Sky, Desert, Water and Night.

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