Take gaming to the next level with these AWESOME PS4 accessories and add-ons
There’s no denying you can have a ton of fun with your PS4 right out of the box. After all, it comes with everything you need to start playing: the console, gamepad, and usually some games, depending on which box deal you bought.
But if you’re a hardcore PS4 gamer–or just want to take your gaming to the next level, there’s actually a ton of add-ons you can buy that could improve your overall gaming experience. From third-party controllers to VR headsets, these are the best Playstation 4 accessories of 2017.
PowerA DualShock 4 Charging Dock
It sucks when you're playing and you get that darn notification that your controller’s batteries are about to die. If you don’t have a spare handy, you're only other option is to plug the controller into the PS4 via a hardwire.
But let's face it: that’s not ideal. That’s where the PowerA DualShock 4 Charging Dock comes in. It lets you dock two PS4 controllers at once when you are done playing to make sure they are always getting a charge between gaming sessions.
Sony PlayStation Move Motion Controller
There are plenty of games you can actually play without any gamepads altogether–provided you have the Move Motion Controllers and Playstation Camera (below) from Sony.
These controllers work as wands and allow you to get physical with plenty of games–from sporting games like tennis to games where you need to fight orcs with wands.
PlayStation Camera
To use the above-mentioned Move Motion Controllers, you’ll need the PlayStation Camera. You use this device to turn your PlayStation into a motion gaming rig (combined with the Move Motion Controllers above.
The Camera allows the PS4 to pick up where you are in physical space, thus transporting you into the game. It can also be used to stream live video–for instance, when you want fellow Twitch users to see what you look like while playing the latest FPS.
PlayStation VR
If you’re interested in getting into the nascent world of virtual reality, there’s no better place to start than with Sony’s PlayStation VR headset. More and more VR games are coming out each month and the technology is looking to become the next great platform for console games.
Logitech G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel
Sure you can play any racing game with the PS4 gamepad, but why not make it more realistic by grabbing the Logitech G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel? This baby will actually make you feel like you’re driving that race car.
It features a gear shift lever, 24-position adjustment dial, force feedback, soft rubber grips, and a 900-degree wheel rotation on the wheel portion and auto-calibration and a carpet grip system on the pedals.
Sony PlayStation 4 Platinum Wireless Headset
While many people only pay attention to the graphics of a game, the sound engineering and sound design usually add just as much to the gameplay.
Unfortunately, that sound design is usually diminished if you’re simply outputting a game’s audio through your telly speakers. But if you grab the awesome Sony PlayStation 4 Platinum Wireless Headset you’ll be able to hear crisp, clear, powerful sound effects pumped wirelessly right into your ears.
It also offers 3D Audio support that creates 100 virtual speakers–all wrapped around your head.
PlayStation Plus Membership
This is one of those things gamers often overlook since it's not a physical accessory. However, a PlayStation Plus Membership is probably the addon that adds the most to your PS4 experience.
Memberships can be bought in one-month, three-month, and annual options and give subscribers access to download two to three PS3, PS4, and PlayStation Vita each month. And they get to keep those games forever–even if they no longer subscribe to PlayStation Plus.
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